We have been real busy calling this a “struggle” when it’s actually a cancer. Step one: I am an addict.

Let’s learn to say that together, folks, because it’s the truth we need to start learning how to accept. It’s only from that place that we can even hope to begin to eradicate this from our lives.

Oh yea, Porn is in the bible a bunch. Like scores of times. Scores is a fun word to use and I’m real glad I get to use it here. You’re probably thinking, “Hey buddy, no way the bible writers knew about pornhub.com so what are you trying to pull here?” Turns out the Greek word for porn actually means “a prostitution of purity” so yea we’re worse off than we thought. '

pornography book for med

Who’s This Book For?

  • The Young Man (ages 16-39) who’s tried everything to kick the habit of pornography consumption but hasn’t found anything that works.

  • The Married Man who’s been quiet thus far about the struggles they face in marriage because they feel that they are alone in this fight.

  • The Traditional Church-Goer who needs something to wake the wonder of what it means to follow Jesus and what’s at stake if pornography’s grip continues.

  • Counselors and Pastors looking for tools to help support their community in overcoming porn addiction.

​Did you know, the word pornography is in the Bible, like a lot? Somehow, we missed it and the ramifications are absolutely overwhelming.

In fact, if you have done any reading of the New Testament you have probably read right over it a hundred times. I mean, one of them is even uttered by the-big-man-Himself, Jesus! And, if you really are like me, then every time you read right on through you didn’t realize the God-sized truth bomb that just got dropped right on your heart.

“Flee from sexual Immorality” : The context of this verse is about joining what is God’s to a prostitute. You’re like me, right, so this doesn’t apply to you either, right? Oh, that is until you look at the original language. I don’t know why or how this happened, but for some reason, that phrase, “sexual immorality” was translated from one word. I’ll bet you can guess what that word is by now.


That’s right. That’s the exact word from which we get porn, porno, pornographer, and pornography. It was hidden there in the Greek for thousands of years, lying tucked under this phrase that had long lost its potency. I mean, how in the heck could I have been through over six years of seminary, almost twenty years of pastoral ministry, and a twenty-five-year hidden pornography addiction and not have known this? 

​Not only that, but every time you see the phrase “sexual immorality” in the New Testament you can read “porneia”. They were all translated that way.

This mistranslation has completely emasculated this word of its utter indictment of the human heart.

The gravity of this issue has been lost on western culture. This discovery changes things for me, for us. Big time.

About the Author

Tyson Morlet is a nobody from nowhere with something the world desperately needs to hear. He is ever trying to decrease his presence and reach in an attempt to be something this world actually needs. He doesn’t want to sell things and make lots of money as long as there are broken and hurting people who need the hope he’s learned the hard way. 

He takes long breaks from social media often, in hopes to keep his longing for the slow drip of dopamine to a minimum.