The Austin Marriage Conference

2 Days of Stories, Insight, Strategies and Mission

February 21-22, 2025

Not Your Average Marriage Book

What if I told you your marriage started in a war.

No one walks down the aisle realizing they’re declaring war. No, not amongst bride and groom, but with an unseen but deeply felt enemy. Your marriage may have began with butterflies and sunshine, but true legacy takes work, fight, strength and staying power.

It takes strategy.

And men, you know strategy.

This book might not change your entire life, but it will change your mind.



From the Author

My goal was to write the marriage book I wanted to read. As a young husband, a busy husband and a man achieving every possible goal in front of me, I needed someone to call me out, call me up, and remind me I was in a war I was designed to fight. And so are you.


“When the heart of man wakes to the wonder of the bible then he will search it for himself.”


Austin Marriage Conference & Resources